Electric Quilt 8
Electric Quilt 8 UPGRADE voor PC en MAC
EQ8 Designing More Quilts
EQ8 Designing Quilts
EQ8 Lessons for Beginners
Amy Butler Softwares
Paper Piecing Pleasure CD-ROM
Gee’s Bend Quilts stamps
Amish Quilt stamps
Quiltplaza USB flash drive with 2 EQ projects
Rebecca Barker Notepad Butterflies on nine-patch
Amish Quilts dubbele wenskaarten
All About Color dubbele wenskaarten
Quilted Houses dubbele wenskaarten
Liesbeth’s liniaal blauwe stoffen
Liesbeth’s liniaal groene stoffen
PhotoFabric Cotton Crafter’s Canvas Fabric Sheets MINI (12 vel)
PhotoFabric Silk Habotai Fabric Sheets (5 vel)
Quiltplaza Freezer Paper Sheets (25 vel)
Fun-dation (25 vel)
Quiltplaza’s Quilts That Make You Smile Volume 1 on USB flash drive (8 Gigabyte)
Quilttasje klassiek
Quilttasje modern